Today in the Word Daily Devotional

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A daily devotional Bible study brought to you from Moody Bible Institute.

Author Video
A Conversation with This Month's Author
Dr. Steven H. Sanchez is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute. His specific areas of study include the Israelite monarchy, the Pentateuch, the Second Temple period, and biblical archeology.

For Their Own Good
A Study in 2 Kings
Steven H. Sanchez
Monthly Study
Today with the President
Praying for Your Prodigal
Some of you may be in that place of grief. You’ve done everything you can do, and it isn’t working. But the situation is not over! Why? Because we believe in the power of God.
Practical Theology
A Kingdom Divided
Jesus will one day be the King of kings. That regime change will not happen at the ballot box. It will be a result of the sudden appearance of Jesus Christ.
Discussion Starters
For Their Own Good
Whom do you reach for in times of trouble? What does your search for answers reveal about your faith in God?
Grow with Moody
Partner with Us

Give Joy to the World!
Each of these 12 note cards feature a devotional excerpt, a magnificent scene from God’s creation on the cover, with the inside left blank for your encouraging note. These limited-edition notecards are our “thank you” for your support of this Bible-teaching ministry.
Request your note cards today!Test Grid Block

November 2024
For Their Own Good
Whom do you reach for in times of trouble? What does your search for answers reveal about your faith in God?
Discussion Starters

Dr. Bill Thrasher
Dr. Bill Thrasher is lead faculty member at Moody Theological Seminary’s Spiritual Formation and Discipleship program.

December 1, 2024
Two Advents
Many Christians observe the four Sundays before Christmas as the season of Advent. But what you might not realize is that there are two Advents. The first Advent rejoices in the events surrounding the Savior’s birth.
Daily Devotional