Go Deeper
Find tools from Today in the Word to help you in your daily devotional and Bible study.

Today with Mark Jobe
Get to know the heart and mind of Moody Bible Institute's 10th President, Dr. Mark Jobe. He's a graduate of Moody and brings pastoral and global experience into the arena when he wrestles with biblical issues. Check back each month for a new note from Dr. Jobe about what's on his heart.
Practical Theology
Theology sometimes feels intimidating, but it can be simple! Whether this is your first-time hearing words like faith and justification, or you've wrestled with them for years, Dr. John Koessler breaks down how they apply to your everyday life. Don't miss this month's Practical Theology.
Discussion Starters
Each month our writers create new and thought-provoking questions to help you go deeper in the Word. These discussion starters are perfect to use for your own reflection, with your family or small group, or over coffee with friends.
Bible Questions
Over the last 30 years, we've gotten great questions from our readers all around the world - and we love answering them! Each month our writers tackle a new batch of questions from their unique perspectives and biblical expertise.